In a time when violence towards women is unprecedented in Italy, ActionAid—an NGO for women's rights—wanted to raise awareness around the impact of verbal violence on women's health and social lives through an International Women's Day campaign.

In Italy, 1 out of 2 women have experienced psychological violence in their lives. Verbal abuse such as aggressive language is often overlooked, and used in everyday life—but it can have a devastating impact on people’s lives—especially women. And verbal abuse is often the first step to other forms of violence against women.
The famous voice that millions of Italians speak to every day, Alexa, is also used to receiving insults from its users on a daily basis. From “Alexa, you’re stupid” and “Alexa, you don’t understand anything” to much more devastating phrases are used casually against Alexa every day.
Idea: "Alexa, have your say"
For International Women's Day 2024, we identified the most commonly used insults against Alexa and intercepted them with educational responses from ActionAid Italy. 

In response to insults and offenses, Alexa will no longer remain silent but will respond assertively, emphasizing how verbal violence can leave a profound impact on the health and social life of the victim supported by ActionAid's own research and data around violence against women.

Idea Board
Case Study Film
Campaign results

Launched on International Women’s Day (March 8th 2024), the campaign garnered unprecedented earned media without any media investment.

272 mentions on Italian media outlets

+8.8M interactions with the campaign

22% increase in ActionAid.IT users
Awards & Recognition

Selected as a finalist for the PREMIA ISA award in Italy.

Won Silver in Digital & Mobile - Innovative use of media and Bronze in Brand Entertainment - Audio driven branded content at the ADC (Art Director’s Club) Italy Awards.

2 short lists at the ADC Italy Awards.

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